KillerBee Package Description

KillerBee is a Python based framework and tool set for exploring and exploiting the security of ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks. Using KillerBee tools and a compatible IEEE 802.15.4 radio interface, you can eavesdrop on ZigBee networks, replay traffic, attack cryptosystems and much more. Using the KillerBee framework, you can build your own tools, implement ZigBee fuzzing, emulate and attack end-devices, routers and coordinators and much more.

Tools included in the killerbee package

zbid – Identifies available interfaces
Identifies available interfaces that can be used by KillerBee and associated tools.
zbfind – GTK GUI application for tracking the location of an IEEE 802.15.4 transmitter
A GTK GUI application for tracking the location of an IEEE 802.15.4 transmitter by measuring RSSI. Zbfind can be passive in discovery (only listen for packets) or it can be active by sending Beacon Request frames and recording the responses from ZigBee routers and coordinators.
zbgoodfind – Search a binary file to identify the encryption key for a given SNA
root@kali:~# zbgoodfind -h

zbgoodfind - search a binary file to identify the encryption key for a given
SNA or libpcap IEEE 802.15.4 encrypted packet -

Usage: zbgoodfind [-frRFd] [-f binary file] [-r pcapfile] [-R daintreefile]
         [-F Don't skip 2-byte FCS at end of each frame]
         [-d genenerate binary file (test mode)]

zbassocflood – Transmit a flood of associate requests to a target network

root@kali:~# zbassocflood -h

zbassocflood: Transmit a flood of associate requests to a target network.

Usage: zbassocflood [-pcDis] [-i devnumstring] [-p PANID] [-c channel]
                        [-s per-packet delay/float]

e.x. zbassocflood -p 0xBAAD -c 11 -s 0.1

zbreplay – Replay ZigBee/802.15.4 network traffic

root@kali:~# zbreplay -h

zbreplay: replay ZigBee/802.15.4 network traffic from libpcap or Daintree files

Usage: zbreplay [-rRfiDch] [-f channel] [-r pcapfile] [-R daintreefile]
         [-i devnumstring] [-s delay/float] [-c countpackets]

zbdsniff – Decode plaintext key ZigBee delivery from a capture file

root@kali:~# zbdsniff

zbdsniff: Decode plaintext key ZigBee delivery from a capture file.  Will
process libpcap or Daintree SNA capture files.

Usage: zbdsniff [capturefiles ...]

zbconvert – Convert Daintree SNA files to libpcap format and vice-versa

root@kali:~# zbconvert -h

zbconvert - Convert Daintree SNA files to libpcap format and vice-versa.
Note: timestamps are not preserved in the conversion process.  Sorry.

Usage: zbconvert [-n] [-i input] [-o output] [-c count]

zbdump – A tcpdump-like tool for ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 networks

root@kali:~# zbdump -h

zbdump - a tcpdump-like tool for ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 networks
Compatible with Wireshark 1.1.2 and later -

Usage: zbdump [-fiwDch] [-f channel] [-w pcapfile] [-W daintreefile]
         [-i devnumstring]

zbstumbler – Transmit beacon request frames to the broadcast address

root@kali:~# zbstumbler -h

zbstumbler: Transmit beacon request frames to the broadcast address while
channel hopping to identify ZC/ZR devices.

Usage: zbstumbler [-iscwD] [-i devnumstring] [-s per-channel delay] [-c channel]
                          [-w report.csv]

KillerBee Usage Example

root@kali:~# coming soon

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