The idea of Parrot Cloud is to have a VPS or a dedicated server with a dedicated operating system full of useful tools for doing scanning, bruteforcing, tunneling, self-hosting and so on, neither relying all the dirty work to our local machine nor relying the security of our confidential data to a 3rd party provider.
It can also be used to store private files (preferably encrypted),  scanning results pentesting reports and other important stuff that we always need to have with us allowing us to go everywhere we want with a simple Parrot live USB and doing great penetration tests witohout having personal data physically with us.
How to get it
Downloadour Cloud ISO image from our download page and install it on your server.
VPS providers usually do not allow the installation of custom uploaded operating systems on their services so we made some custom scripts that convert a normal VPS with a minimal Debian installation into a full Parrot Cloud environment.
The following are the passages you have to do in order to get your Parrot VPS
At first you need to have a remote server, unmanaged OVZ or KVM virtual private servers are the cheapest solution available.
We currently don’t have signed any agreement with any VPS provider, and we don’t want to advertise anything so feel free to choose your favorite one, it’s necessary to have a simple debian VPS with root access.
Contact us for the list of providers we’ve already tested and used.
When you get a VPS (or a dedicatd server if you prefer) you usually have to choose which operating system use on it from a predefined list of available operating systems.
Select a Debian 7 (Wheezy) Core, or an equivalent Debian 7 proposed version, but it is important to have the most lightweight environment (use a 32bit operating system if you have less than 4 Gb of ram available).
Remember to upgrade everything logging in as root via ssh and typing
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
to upgrade the whole system with the latest debian updates.
Parrot Cloud Script
Now we are ready to install Parrot Cloud on it
You can do this by downloading and launching (as root) the following script
NORMAL=`echo "\033[m"`
MENU=`echo "\033[36m"` #Blue
NUMBER=`echo "\033[33m"` #yellow
FGRED=`echo "\033[41m"`
ENTER_LINE=`echo "\033[33m"`
RED_TEXT=`echo "\033[31m"`
echo -e "${MENU}*********************************************${NORMAL}"
echo -e "Welcome to Parrot On-Debian Installer Script"
echo -e "\t\trev 0.2 - 2015-06-10"
echo -e "${MENU}**${NUMBER} 2)${MENU} Install Cloud Edition ${NORMAL}"
echo -e "${MENU}**${NUMBER} 1)${MENU} Install Core Only ${NORMAL}" echo -e "${MENU}**${NUMBER} 3)${MENU} Install Standard Edition ${NORMAL}"
echo -e "${MENU}**${NUMBER} 6)${MENU} Install Embedded Edition ${NORMAL}"
echo -e "${MENU}**${NUMBER} 4)${MENU} Install Full Edition ${NORMAL}" echo -e "${MENU}**${NUMBER} 5)${MENU} Install Home Edition ${NORMAL}"
COLOR='\033[01;31m' # bold red
echo -e "${MENU}*********************************************${NORMAL}" echo -e "${ENTER_LINE}Please enter a menu option and enter or ${RED_TEXT}enter to exit. ${NORMAL}" read opt } function option_picked() {
echo -e "deb stable main contrib non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/parrot.list
RESET='\033[00;00m' # normal white MESSAGE=${@:-"${RESET}Error: No message passed"} echo -e "${COLOR}${MESSAGE}${RESET}" } function core_install() {
#echo -e "deb jessie main contrib non-free\n#deb-src jessie main contrib non-free\n\n#deb jessie-backports main contrib non-free\n#deb-src jessie-backports main contrib non-free\n\ndeb jessie/updates main\n#deb-src jessie/updates main\n\ndeb jessie-updates main contrib non-free\n#deb-src jessie-updates main contrib non-free\n\n#deb jessie-proposed-updates main contrib non-free\n#deb-src jessie-updates main contrib non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
wget -qO - | apt-key add - apt-get update apt-get -y install apt-parrot parrot-archive-keyring --no-install-recommends apt-get update apt-get -y install parrot-core apt-get -y dist-upgrade } function cloud_install() { apt-get -y install parrot-cloud parrot-tools-cloud } function standard_install() { apt-get -y install parrot-interface parrot-tools } function full_install() { apt-get -y install parrot-interface parrot-tools parrot-interface-full parrot-tools-full } function home_install() { apt-get -y install parrot-interface parrot-interface-full } function embedded_install() { apt-get -y install parrot-interface parrot-tools-arm } function init_function() { clear show_menu while [ opt != '' ] do if [[ $opt = "" ]]; then exit; else case $opt in 1) clear; option_picked "Installing Core"; core_install; option_picked "Operation Done!"; exit; ;; 2) clear; option_picked "Installing Cloud Edition";
core_install; cloud_install; option_picked "Operation Done!"; exit; ;; 3) clear; option_picked "Installing Parrot Security OS"; core_install; standard_install; option_picked "Operation Done!"; exit; ;; 4) clear; option_picked "Installing Full Edition"; core_install; full_install; option_picked "Operation Done!"; exit; ;; 5) clear; option_picked "Installing Home Edition"; core_install; home_install; option_picked "Operation Done!"; exit; ;; 6) clear; option_picked "Installing Embedded Edition"; core_install; embedded_install; option_picked "Operation Done!"; exit; ;; x)exit; ;; q)exit; ;; \n)exit; ;; *)clear; option_picked "Pick an option from the menu"; show_menu; ;; esac fi done } if [ `whoami` == "root" ]; then init_function; else echo "R U Drunk? This script needs to be run as root!"
and restarting the system when everything was completed